Keynote Speakers
August 3, 2021 (Tuesday)
2:00 – 2:20 pm, Tuesday, August 3, 2021 – Welcome Address
Prof. Livio De Santoli
Deputy Rector of Sustainability
Sapienza – University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Prof. Livio de Santoli
Department of Astronautics Electric and Energy Engineering (DIAEE)
Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
- Full Professor in HVAC Systems in Buildings and Energy Management (School of Engineering) at Sapienza University of Rome
- Deputy Rector of Sapienza University of Rome for Sustainability and Energy Policies
- Energy Manager at Sapienza University of Rome
- President of Master Degree in Energy Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
- Past Dean of School of Architecture “Valle Giulia” 2009-2010
- President of ATI Thermotechnical Italian Association
- President of Coordinamento FREE (Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Associations)
- PastPresident of AiCARR, HVAC National Association, 2014-2017
- Chairman of WG on Energy Efficiency for Italian Authority of Energy Stakeholders Panel
- Director of Master Course “Strategy Energy Management Systems”
- Professor of “HVAC in Historical Buildings” at High post-graduated School in Restoration of Historical Buildings
- Member of International Advisory Board at Building Services Engineering Research & Technology (UK)
- Author of some 250 publications about Energy, Indoor Environment Quality, Renewables, HVAC Systems, Applied Thermodynamics and 17 books (academic and informative)
- Chairman of a national research WG within a PRIN project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and research (involving 12 Italian Universities), to realize the Italian network on “energy refurbishment of existing building stock in NZEB vision”
- Chairman of WG on Renewables and Energy Efficiency in Italia 2030, a strategic Plan of Italian Minister of Economic Growth
- Consultant of Italian Ministeries (MiSE, MATTM, MIBACT) and of most relevant Institution on the topic of energy policies
- Energy Consulting of many important Energy Plans in urban and suburban scale
- Winner of a number of Awards in the field of energy
2:20 – 3:00 pm, Tuesday, August 3, 2021 – Keynote I – Opening Keynote
Dr. Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni
Valeo Group Corporate Vice-President
Sustainable Development and External Affairs
Paris, France
Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni is Valeo Group Corporate Vice-President for Sustainability and External Affairs since October 2010. He was previously CEO’s delegate, member of the executive committee at Valeo since December 2006. He joined ERTRAC as Vice-Chairman in July 2008 representing the automotive suppliers’ industry.
In this respect, he’s also a member of the strategic group advising the board of CLEPA (European Association of Suppliers) and takes part to the electro-mobility working group within this association.
His commitment to establish fair relationships between the automotive industry and international bodies, with a multi-stakeholder approach is also reflected by his commitment to the advisory board of the International Forum of OECD Transport Ministers from the beginning (2008) and to the Global Council of Automotive Industry of the World Economic Forum since its creation (2010). Since January 2010, Valeo Board member to the Modernization Fund of Automotive Suppliers (belonging to French Sovereign Fund – FSI).
He was previously advisor to the CEO of Gaz de France (2002-2004) and has a research experience in the field of defense, international relations and strategic affairs at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts), Ecole Normale Supérieure and Institut des Hautes Etudes de Defense Nationale (in France). He holds several degrees in geography, urban planning, humanities. He had teaching positions at Boston University, Preparatory Classes to French Grandes Ecoles, Jean Monnet European studies center of Universita’ di Trento (Italy), Tamkang University in Taiwan.
3:00 – 3:40 pm, Tuesday, August 3, 2021 – Keynote II
Dr. Tomohiko Sakao
Professor of Sustainable Product/Service Systems
Linköoping University
What, why and how of PSS (product/service system) for environmental sustainability?
Tomohiko Sakao is Professor in Ecodesign and Integrated Product Service Engineering at the Division of Environmental Technology and Management, Department of Management and Engineering, at Linköping University (LiU) in Linköping, Sweden. He stayed at the Institute for Product Development and Machine Elements at the Darmstadt University of Technology in Darmstadt, Germany between 2005 and 2007.
Dr. Sakao joined LiU as the Swedish engineers’ (Sveriges Ingenjörer) Environmental Professor in 2007 and have been active in both carrying out projects with industry and publishing academic articles. He is one of the scholars that have published highest numbers of relevant articles in the area of product/service system worldwide, which is clear evidence of his academic influence and expertise in the field.
Since 2016, he has been elected as Associate Member of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering).
After studying at the University of Tokyo, Dr. Sakao worked at Mitsubishi Research Inst., Inc. in Tokyo for 8 full years, where he gained valuable industry experience before beginning his academic career.
3:40 – 4:20 pm, Tuesday, August 3, 2021 – Keynote III
Dr. Dominik Matt
Full Professor of Production Systems and Technologies
Faculty of Science and Technology
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Director of the Research Center Fraunhofer Italia in Bolzano
Bolzano, Italy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominik Matt holds the Chair for Production Systems and Technologies and heads the research department “Industrial Engineering & Automation (IEA)” at the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Moreover, Prof. Matt is the Director of the Research Center Fraunhofer Italia in Bolzano. He has authored more than 250 scientific and technical papers in journals and conference proceedings and is member of numerous national and international scientific organizations and commitees (e.g.: AITeM – Associazione Italiana di Tecnologia Meccanica | WGAB – Academic Society for Work and Industrial Organization). Since 2020 Prof. Matt is also member of the renowned German National Academy of Science and Engineering “acatech”
4:20 – 5:00 pm, Tuesday, August 3, 2021 – Keynote IV
Dr. Donald Huisingh
Professor of Sustainable Development
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN, USA
Donald Huisingh is skilled in interdisciplinary education and holistic approaches to defining and solving society’s problems to effective and equitable progress to be made toward Sustainable Societies. He is skilled in course and curriculum development and curriculum evaluation in topics ranging from Sustainable Development, in the broadest dimensions, to more detailed issues such as: toxic use reduction, life cycle thinking, industrial ecology, pollution prevention, & eco-efficiency. He also addresses issues such as the philosophical, ethical, and political implications of improper eco-system management, human population growth and human capacity building. Donald Huisingh is the author or co-author of more than 300 professional publications, audio-video productions and simulations.
He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION and co-founder of “The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education”. Donald Huisingh was Awarded The Most Valuable Contributions to Pollution Prevention Award in the U. S., in 2008. Awarded the “International Environmental Leadership,” Award by the Banksia Environmental Foundation of Australia in September 2000. Awarded North Carolina State Government’s Public Service Award (Spring 1982), among numerous other awards and honors.
August 4, 2021 (Wednesday)
2:00 – 2:20 pm, Wednesday, August 2, 2021 – Conference Co-Chair Remarks
2:20 – 3:00 pm, August 4, 2021, Wednesday – Keynote V
Jihong Yan, Ph.D.
Professor in Industrial Engineering
Deputy Dean of School of Mechatronics Engineering
Head of intelligent Manufacturing Scientific Research Team
Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin, China
An IoT based solution for cyber-physical fusion in shop-floor
Dr. Jihong Yan is a Professor (since 2005) in Industrial Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), she is also the deputy dean of School of Mechatronics Engineering and head of intelligent manufacturing scientific research team at HIT. She received her PhD from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1999. Then she joined Tsinghua University (from 1999 to 2001), the University of Wisconsin (from 2001 to 2004) and Pennsylvania State University (from 2004 to 2005) as a postdoctoral researcher. Dr. Yan is the director of National High-end Equipment Manufacturing Virtual and Simulation Experiment Teaching Center, head of Research Oriented Teaching Innovation Team for High-end Equipment Manufacturing of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, vice chairman of Production System Special Committee of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, and chairman of Industrial Engineering Professional Committee of the Mechanical Engineering Society of Heilongjiang Province.
Her main area of research is industrial big data, sustainable manufacturing, intelligent logistics and advanced maintenance of machinery. As a PI, Dr. Yan has worked on and accomplished 15 projects in intelligent manufacturing and sustainability related areas, funded by the NSF of China(NSFC), NSF-NSFC joint-project funding, National key R&D plan project funding, National High-tech project funding, National “863” project funding, EU EPSRC project funding, High-tech funding from industries, and so on. She has authored and co-authored over 100 research papers and published 3 books, two papers were ranked ESI high cited articles. Currently there are 17 professors and engineers with her research team, the team dedicates to theoretical research and system implementation in the fields of intelligent operation optimization theory and methods of manufacturing systems, manufacturing IoT technologies and devices, and equipment health monitoring, etc.
3:00 – 3:40 pm, August 4, 2021, Wednesday – Keynote VI
Dr. Joseph Sarkis
Professor of Management
Foisie Business School
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Worcester, MA, USA
Joseph Sarkis is a Professor of Management within the Foisie Business School at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Buffalo. His research and teaching interests include Environmental Sustainability, Technology, Operations and Supply Chain Management. He has authored over 450 publications in a wide variety of outlets. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Engineering Management Review and Associate Editor for the journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling on the topic of sustainable supply chains. His editorial positions cover many leading journals in Operations, Transportation, Supply Chain, and Sustainability Management. Joe has been recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher for each year from 2015-2020 by Thomson-Reuters/Clarivate Analytics (Web-of-Science). He is an AT&T Industrial Ecology Fellow and has served as a research scholar at universities throughout the world; he currently holds a position of International Scholar within the Hanken School of Economics’ HUMLOG Institute. He is a coordinator within the Future Earth Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SSCP) Knowledge-Action Network in the Circular Economy Working Group. Joe is also an international program coordinator for the Greening of Industry Network (GIN) along with the Greening of Industry Networks book series co-editor for Springer-Nature Publishers.
3:40 – 4:20 pm, August 4, 2021, Wednesday – Keynote VII
Prof. George Boustras
Editor-in-Chief, Safety Science
Director at CERIDES – Excellence in Innovation and Technology
Professor in Risk Assessment
European University Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus
George was born in Athens in May 1973. George is a Visiting Researcher at the National Observatory of Athens, Professor in Risk Assessment at European University Cyprus, Director of the Centre of Risk and Decision Sciences (CERIDES – Excellence in Innovation and Technology) and Advisor for Natural Catastrophes to HE the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Anastasiades. He was the 5th elected Dean of the Ioannis Gregoriou School of Business Administration for two consecutive terms.
George is a PhD in Probabilistic Fire Risk Assessment from CFES at Kingston University London (2003), he was Honorary Research Fellow at CPSE at Imperial College London (2003 – 2005), and KTP Research Fellow at FSEG at the University of Greenwich (2009).
He sat at the Management Committee of Secure Societies – Protecting Freedom and Security of Europe and its citizens of “HORIZON 2020” for 7 years. George was a Member of the Socio Economic Assessment Committee (SEAC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for 6 years.
Among other public duties, he was appointed by the Ministerial Council of the Republic of Cyprus to Head the Special Task Force that overlooked the modernization of the Fire Services. He was hired by World Bank to contribute to the modernisation of licensing services provided by the Fire Service of the Hellenic Republic. The President of the Republic of Cyprus appointed him, as Vice President in the Energy Strategy Council. He consulted the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus in the Risk Assessment of Unexploded Ordnance as part of Gas Exploration.
George is Editor-in-Chief of Safety Science (Elsevier, IF 4.105) and Member of the Editorial Board of Fire Technology (Springer Nature), the International Journal of Emergency Management and International Journal οf Critical Infrastructure (both Inderscience). He (co-) supervises 7 PhD students; 5 of his students are now PhD’s.
4:20 – 5:00 pm, August 4, 2021, Wednesday – Keynote VIII
Corrado La Forgia
VP Operations Manager and Managing Director
Offanengo, Lombardy, Italy
Title: “Digitalization of Production Processes”
How can we let the machines “talking”, transforming data in precious information. How can we use artificial intelligence and how can we digitalize also old equipment (digital revamping)
Born in 1965, Mr. la Forgia Corrado Felice graduated at University in Bari as Mechanical Engineer and he started his career as manufacturing manager in companies like ANSALDO, OSRAM, MAGNETI MARELLI and BOSCH Group, for which he has been working for 12 years.
He had working experiences abroad (Germany and Austria) and he has been working as Managing Director and Operational Manager in Bosch plant in Crema (manufacturing plant for components in automotive market) for more than 7 years.
He is also Vice President and Deputy for Innovation in regional Confindustria Cremona (Industrial Association) and a member of National Task Force of Federmeccanica (Mechanical Companies Association) on Industry 4.0 topic.
He worked together with Economics Department of University in Genova on digital innovation. Interested in innovation issues and in particular in enabler technologies of Industry 4.0, he is the author, together with Nicola Intini, Luca Beltrametti e Nino Guarnacci, of the book: ‘La Fabbrica Connessa – La manifattura italiana (attra)verso Industria 4’ (Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati S.r.l.).
In 2019 his second book ‘Ada, Alan and the Mysteries of The IoT ‘, written with Nicola Intini, Raffaella Misciosca, Sabrina De Santis and Pierpaolo Pontrandolfo (Angelo Guerini Editions and Associates S.r.l.) was published.
August 5, 2020 (Thursday)
2:00 – 2:20 pm, Thursday, August 5, 2021 – Conference Co-Chair Remarks
2:20 – 3:00 pm, August 5, 2021, Thursday – Keynote IX
Dr. Fatma Ashour
Professor and Former Head
Chemical Engineering Department
Director of the Center of Hazard Mitigation, Environmental Studies and Research
Cairo University
Dr. Ashour has graduated originally with a B.Sc. with honours and completed her M.Sc. and PhD in the Chemical Engineering Department from Cairo University. As an employment history, Dr. Ashour worked in the Faculty of Engineering from a Teaching Assistant to the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department in Egypt. Research areas of Dr. Ashour cover a wide range of fields ranging from Petroleum Refining and processing to experimental conversion processes of biomass into valuable chemicals and liquid fuels.
On international level, Dr. Ashour has scientific collaborations with international research institutions: Rovira I Virgili in Spain, University of Kassel in Germany, Wits University in South Africa, Lund University in Sweden, Sapienza University Rome in Italy.
Dr. Ashour is a member of the Research Council for Petroleum & Mineral Wealth (Petroleum Committee) – The Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Member of the board of “L’Association des Ingénieurs Francophones d’Egypte” AIFE and Président of the “Réseau Méditerranéen des Ecoles d’Ingénieurs” RMEI.
Latest research publications:
- DA Kamel, MA Gadalla, OY Abdelaziz, MA Labib, FH Ashour, Temperature driving force (TDF) curves for heat exchanger network retrofit–A case study and implications Temperature driving force (TDF) curves for heat exchanger network retrofit–A case study and implications, Energy, pp 283-295, volume 123, March 2017, ELSEVIER.
- Kamel, D.A., Gadalla, M.A., Ashour, F.H., Analysis and revamping of heat exchanger networks for crude oil refineries using temperature driving force graphical technique, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 20, issue 2, pp 243–258, 2018, Springer.
- Omar Aboelazayem, Nour El-Gendy, Ahmed A Abdel-Rehim, Fatma Ashour, Mohamed A Sadek, Biodiesel production from castor oil in Egypt: process optimisation, kinetic study, diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions analysis, Energy, 2018, Elsevier
- Alaa Elmasry, Mamdouh Gadalla, Ibrahim Alhajri, Fatma Ashour, Better heat and power integration of an existing gas-oil plant in Egypt through revamping design and organic Rankine cycle, PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2019, 3717-3728, 2019.
- MS El-Sawy, SA Hanafi, F Ashour, TM Aboul-Fotouh, Co-hydroprocessing and hydrocracking of alternative feed mixture (vacuum gas oil/waste lubricating oil/waste cooking oil) with the aim of producing high quality fuels, Fuel 269, 117437,2020, ELSEVIER.
- MM Naeem, EG Al-Sakkari, DC Boffito, MA Gadalla, FH Ashour, One-pot conversion of highly acidic waste cooking oil into biodiesel over a novel bio-based bi-functional catalyst, Fuel 283, 118914, 2021, ELSEVIER
3:00 – 3:40 pm, August 5, 2021, Thursday – Keynote X
Franco Megali
VP and CEO Italy, Israel and Greece
Siemens Digital Industries Software
Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Presentation Title:
Siemens Capabilities on the Digital Journey and Transformation
Franco Megali has been in the manufacturing market for over 35 years.
He started his career in Brescia at Comser, Finbrescia group. Then he moved to Milan, where he worked at Intergraph Italia. In 1991 he joined McDonnel Douglas Information System which became EDS Unigraphics and UGS and finally Siemens Digital Industry Software after the acquisition of Siemens in 2007, with the current role of Italy CEO. Thanks to its profound knowledge of products and processes in the manufacturing industry, he achieved excellent results in the most important Italian manufacturing industries, in particular the Automotive & Transportation, Aerospace & Defense and Machinery sectors.
Graduate in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Brescia, Franco Megali holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Bocconi University in Milan in 1990.
3:40 – 4:20 pm, August 5, 2021, Thursday – Keynote XI
Giovanni Esposito
Director of Innovation
Argo Tractors
Fabbrico RE, Italy
Tractor Technology: Agriculture 4.0 towards more sustainable, safe and automated vehicles
Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering. Early in his career he worked for the Philips company; since 1987 he has been involved in the design of agricultural tractors with responsibility for managing international project groups, dedicated to the development of advanced mechatronic vehicles. Member of the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association (CEMA) Technical Board.
Argo Tractors is a company specialized in the production of tractors, with 4 production plants in Italy. It markets its products under the Landini, McCormick, Valpadana brands.
4:20 – 5:00 pm, August 5, 2021, Thursday – Keynote XII
Dr. Tarcisio Abreu Saurin
Associate Professor
Industrial Engineering Department
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Tarcisio A. Saurin is an Associate Professor at the Industrial Engineering Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). He has a PhD in Industrial Engineering (2002), a MS in Construction Management (1997), and a BS in Civil Engineering (1994). He was a visiting professor at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation at Macquarie University (2018/19) and at the University of Salford, UK (2012). His main research interests are related to the modelling and management of complex socio-technical systems, resilience engineering, safety management, lean production, and performance measurement. He has carried out research and consulting projects on these topics in healthcare, construction, electricity distribution, and manufacturing. He has also supervised 68 graduate students (55 MS and 13 PhD) and authored a number of journal papers, book chapters, and conference papers on these topics – H-index scopus: 23. He is also a co-editor of two books and an active member of scientifc associations such as the Resilience Engineering Association, Resilient Health Care Society, and International Group for Lean Construction. He is involved in a number of international collaborations with universities from Europe, Australia, and North America.
5:00 – 7:00 pm, Thursday, August 5, 2021 – Conference Awards Ceremony (Virtual via Zoom)